Oracle Developer

in oracle developer you can build a application three tier system like a web application. Once you've seen how to connect the database and the Web, you can start learning how to write web applications by combining HTML, the language used to create web pages, with PL/SQL, the SQL-like language used to develop Oracle stored procedures. Combining HTML with PL/SQL gives us all we need to develop useful web systems that are powerful, easy to design, and easy to develop. The language offers several benefits to overworked developers: - PL/SQL is easy to learn and use. - PL/SQL fosters code reuse - PL/SQL integrates with other Oracle tools - PL/SQL is portable - PL/SQL is fast - PL/SQL is proven the first you will try to develop a application web server you must use the oracle oracle depeloper you will use oracle form and oracle report. Oracle Form is a tools for develop a user interface and the logic of application and the oracle report is a tools for design reports according to our needs. so with oracle developer we will build the web application very simple but power full.

ridwan amirudin

"Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big. Young people will have the seeds you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world." "Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine." Jack Ma

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