What Competence Requirements for Business Analyst?

Business Analyst General Overview Reviews, analyses and evaluates business requirements, user needs and functions, with the objective of improving business processes and procedures. The results and recommendations specified become the blue print in the development of optimal solutions. The scope of the role also encompasses strategic business research and analysis in developing business plans and market research in support of an organization’s initiatives and future direction. Skills Listing The ideal candidate possesses a combination of skills and experience in a variety of areas. Below is a list of the most commonly sought after skills, with highly sought after examples listed in brackets. This list is meant as a guide only. Technical Skills • Ability to analyze and implement business, user and technical requirements • Ability to write and interpret specifications • Knowledge of web-based technologies • Knowledge of business system strategy • Knowledge of technical consulting terms and processes • Ability to document results from research/analysis • Knowledge of business process review • Knowledge of system development lifecycle • Knowledge of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) • Knowledge of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Non-Technical Skills • Leadership skills • Client interaction skills • Interpersonal skills • Broad industry knowledge • Team oriented • Ability to conceptualize • Strong business acumen • Strategic thinking • Intuition • Ability to work to deadlines

ridwan amirudin

"Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big. Young people will have the seeds you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world." "Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine." Jack Ma

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