Remote DDL for DDL Injection Technique

RemoteDLL is the simple tool to Inject DLL or Remove DLL from Remote Process. It is based on popular Dll Injection technique.
It supports following DLL Injection methods
NtCreateThread [Good for DLL Injection across sessions on Vista/Windows 7]
QueueUseAPC [Delayed Injection]

Removing DLL or Freeing DLL from Process is the unique feature of RemoteDLL. It can help you to instantly remove DLL from target process completely.

Now a days, many Malware & Spyware programs use the DLL Injection technique to hide themselves into legitimte system process. Once injected there is no way to remove such DLL other than killing the process itself.

In such situations, RemoteDLL can help you to remove these Malicious DLLs from the target process easily.

Current mega version v3.0 supports Injecting DLL and Removing DLL from 64 bit process along with numerous improvements for Windows 8.

It is fully portable and works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows XP (sp2) to latest operating system, Windows 8.


Inject DLL into Remote Process even across Session boundaries

Support both 32-bit & 64-bit Process on all platforms.

Remove DLL from Remote Process completely.

Supports multiple Injection methods including CreateRemoteThread, NTCreateThread, QueueUserAPC

Works with ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) by dynamically calculating addresses.

Advanced Process List with detailed process information like PID, Session, ASLR, DEP, Username etc.

Drag & Drop feature to quickly drag DLL file for selection.

Save the DLL operation report to Text file

Easy to use, attractive GUI interface

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ridwan amirudin

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