Remove Windows 10 Spying Features 1.2.0000 Portable

Windows 10 did bring many of the features users expected of, but now Windows comes with tracking included and this looks so sad and insecure for personal data. "Remove Windows 10 Spying Features" is a simple tweaker application that aims to solve this problem fast and clear.

Key features of the app:
- Delete "Diagnostics Tracking", "WAP Push Message" Services and Keylogger feature
- Disable domains for feedback
- Ban user specified unwanted domains
- Disable Unwanted scheduled tasks
- Remove unwanted Windows 10 Metro apps
- Disable AdvertisingID
- Disable websites to access your language list
- Disable speech, inking and typing knowing (disable Cortana)
- Disable web search in the search box
- Can add your own lines into the "hosts" file during the process
- Creates Restore Point to support rollback
- Free system resources like memory and CPU time; this makes notebooks to run a little more time on the battery power
- It's multilanguage: English, Chinese, German, Russian
- Language autoselection on the app startup

[1.2.0000] 08/10/2015
- multilanguage support added
- added Russian, Chinese, German translations
- added new features: Don't let anyone to use AdvertisingID, Don't let websites to access my language list, Disable speech, inking and typing knowing, Disable web search in the search box.

mirror 1 download
mirror 2 download

ridwan amirudin

"Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big. Young people will have the seeds you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world." "Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine." Jack Ma

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